Solar Panels for Cellular Cameras
All cellular cameras can benefit from the use of Solar Panels. Solar Panels keep the cameras charged by capturing sunlight which then creates an electrical charge and results in an electric current being passed to the camera. Some solar panels, such as the Barn Owl Solar Panels include an internal battery that stores the energy created. These panels help to ensure that the camera remains powered up and functional in remote areas with no electricity or infrastructure.

- Replacement Costs
- Surface Area
- Portability & Positioning
Benefits of External Solar Panels
Replacement Costs
Reliable solutions never trust in a single point of failure. Solar Panels, like all electronic devices, are susceptible to damage and electrical faults. If you find yourself needing to replace the solar panel, replacing an external solar panel is typically less expensive and easier than replacing an integrated solar panel. When replacing an integrated panel, you will likely need to purchase an entirely new camera which means you will also have to go through the activation, configuration, and deployment steps all over again whereas, with an external panel, you only need to replace the panel and plug it into the existing camera.
Surface Area & Energy Creation
It doesn’t matter how many milliamps (mAh) a Solar Panel is rated for if it can’t collect enough sunlight to max out the rating. External panels give you the advantage of increasing your surface area for a greater charge over integrated panels with small surface areas with minimal charge capabilities. Being able to capture and collect more sunlight and energy results in faster charging times which is essential, especially in areas with limited sunlight such as those with long winters or those where cloudy days are common.
Portability and Positioning
External solar panels also have the benefit of being able to be positioned independently of the camera for optimal sun exposure. External solar panels can be mounted on nearby trees, buildings, or posts, and can be positioned to allow the panel to capture the sun's rays from multiple angles, regardless of the camera's placement. This means that the camera can be placed in the best location for capturing footage, and the solar panel can be positioned separately for optimal sun exposure. With integrated panels, you have to balance the optimal camera angle with the optimal solar angle and will often find yourself making unwanted sacrifices.
For best results, we recommend that you mount the solar panels facing East, South East.
When it comes time to purchase your remote monitoring system, make sure that the Solar Panel is designed to adequately keep your camera powered on. Focus less on aesthetics and more on function and power delivery. And remember that when it comes to Solar Panels, the external panels are better equipped to capture more sunlight thanks to their larger surface area and ability to be mounted and positioned independently of the camera.